100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi

Hello Friends welcome to a2zenglishgrammar Here, We have a collection of very important Daily use English Sentence 100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi Learning English always starts with learning such sentencesnly used in daily life. which are spoken daily and today I have come up with 100 daily spoken sentences for you guys which are very interesting.

100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi

100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi

To speak good and fluent English one should practice as much as possible; You know that practice is such an action through which doing and learning anything becomes very easy if you use it with crores of mind. Its knowledge is essential for speaking and understanding English. So here we will get the complete details of 100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi which is essential for personal daily life.

Learn useful sentences for daily use

1. सुनो, एक काम करो।

Listen, do one thing.

2. मैं आकाश-पताल एक कर दूंगा.

I will move heaven and earth

3. ये फोन कितने का है?

How much is this phone?

4. कभी कभी झूठ बोलना पड़ता है।

Sometimes we have to speak a lie.

5. आपको मेरी बात सुननी पड़ेगी।

You will have to listen to me.

6. आप गिर भी सकते हो

You might fall.

7. फूल तोड़ना मना है.

Plucking flowers is prohibited

8. इसका लॉक कैसे खुलता है?

How to open its lock?

9. तुम्हारे पास कितने पैसे हैं?

How much money do you have?

10. काम से जी चुराना विद्यार्थी को शोभा नहीं देता.

It does not behave a student to shirk work

11. आप इस वक़्त कहाँ पर हो?

Where are you at the moment?

12. कल ज्वर उतर जाएगा.

The temperature will come down tomorrow

13. ये वाला कैसा रहेगा?

How about this one?

13. आप इतनी जल्दी में क्यों हो?

Why are you in so a hurry?

14. उसकी तबियत ठीक नही है।

He is sick/He is not fine/He is not well.

15. क्या आपको भूख लगी है?

Are you feeling hungry?

16. तो बताओ क्या खाना चाहोगे?

Then tell me, What would you like to eat?

17. वो तो अभी घर पर नही है

He is not at home right now.

18. कितना टाइम लगेगा।

How long will it take?

19. वो आपके कौन लगते है?

Who is he to you?

20. मुझे आपसे अभी मिलना है

I have to meet you right now.

100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi

21. मुझे घर पहुचने में एक घंटा लगेगा।

I will take an hour to get home.

22. क्या आपको देर हो रही है?

Are you getting late?

23. क्या तुमने घड़ी में चाभी दी है?

Have you wound the watch

24. जरा बोतल पकड़ा न

Hand me the bottle, please.

25. मेरे साथ ही ऐसा क्यों होता है?

Why does it only happen to me?

26. कैसे कहु की मुझे तुमसे प्यार हो गया है

How do I say that I have fallen for you?

27. इससे बहुत लाभ है.

The advantages of this are many

28. मुझे ज़रा सोचने दो

Let me think

29. आप क्या कह रहे थे?

What were you saying?

30. तो आप पार्टी कब दे रहे हों?

When are you throwing the party?

31. हमारी कार खराब हो गयी है।

Our car has broken down.

32. आपको गांव जाना पड़ सकता है।

You may have to go to the village.

33. मुझे उसको सच बताना पड़ा।

I had to tell her the truth.

34. चलो मैं आपको छोड़ देता हूँ

Let me drop you.

35. कौन कहता है तुम पागल हो।

Who says that you are mad.

36. वास्तव में उसने क्या कहा था ?

What did she actually say ?

37. मुझे रोज हिचकियाँ आती है ।

i hiccup everyday.

38. तुमने ऐसे कैसे उसे थप्पड़ मार दिया।

How come you slapped him.

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39. वह अभी भी गुस्से मे है ।

He is still angry.

40. इतना मेरे लिए काफी/पर्याप्त है ।

That’s enough for me.

41. जरा मैं नहा लू

Let me take a bath.

42. तुम कब आये?

When did you come?

43. मै आपको परेशान नहीं करना चाहता हूँ ।

i don’t want to bother you.

44. मै यहाँ खासकर आपसे मिलने आया हूँ ।

i came here specially to meet you.

45. तुम हमेशा मुझे नीचा दिखाने की कोशिश क्यों करते हो ?

Why do you always try to humiliate me ?

46. तुम बहुत खूबसूरत हो।

You are gorgeous.

47. घबराओ मत ।

Don’t panic.

48. चिंता मत करो ।

Don’t worry.

49. आप किस चीज में सफल हुये?

What did you succeed in

50. कितना हुआ?

How much is that

51. मेरा कमरा दूसरी मंजिल पर है.

My room is on the second floor

52. इसे अंग्रेजी में क्या कहते हैं?

What do we call this in English

53. कृपया यह पता लिख लीजिए.

Please wirite down this address

54. मै जल्दी मे हूँ ।

i am in a hurry.

55. मौसम का पूर्वानुमान कहता है कि कल हिमपात होने वाला है।

The weather forecast says it’s going to snow tomorrow.

56. मैं डॉक्टर के पास जा रहा हूँ, क्या आपको कुछ चाहिए?

I’m going to the doctor, do you need anything?

57. पूल सुबह 10:00 बजे से शाम 6:00 बजे तक खुला रहता है।

The pool is open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

58. मुझे खेद है, मेरे बैग में उसके लिए पर्याप्त जगह नहीं है।

I’m sorry, I don’t have enough space in my bag for that.

59. वह हमेशा सामाजिक न्याय के मुद्दों को लेकर बहुत भावुक रहे हैं।

He’s always been very passionate about social justice issues.

100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi

60. क्या कहा तुमने ?

What did you say ?

61. जो हो गया सो हो गया ।

Let bygones be bygones.

62. हमलोग फर्स्ट क्लास में सफर नहीं करते.

We do not travel first class.

63. तुम्हें कुछ कम खाना चाहिए.

You should eat a little less.

64. तुम पेटू हो.

You are a glutton.

65. मैं गरम-गरम चाय पसंद करता हूँ.

I like fairly hot tea.

66. मैं भाँप गया.

I could see through the matter.

67. आज पानी बेहद बरसा है.

It has rained excessively today.

68. मुझे बहुत डर लग रहा है।

i am getting very scared.

69. मैं भूताें से नहीं डरता।

i am not scared of ghosts.

70. मुझे भूतों से डर लगता है।

i am scared of ghosts.

71. डरो मत।

Don’t be scared.

72. अपना तो सारा हिसाब बिगड़ गया.

All my calculations went wrong.

73. बहुत होगा तो हजार रुपए उसके पास होगा.

At most, he might have a thousand rupees on him.

74. उसे हल्का बुखार है.

He has a mild fever

75. उसने मुझे डरा दिया।

He scared me.

76. वह फिल्‍म डरावनी थी।

that movie was scary.

77. ज्‍यादा होशियार मत बनो।

Don’t act/be too smart

78. मुझे डर लग रहा है।

i am getting scared.

79. वह जो कहता है सत्य नहीं है.

Whatever he says is not true.

80. मैंने वैसा ही किया जैसा मुझे कहा गया था.

I did as I was told.

81. जल्दी करो वरना गाड़ी छुट जाएगी.

Hurry up, otherwise you will miss the train.

82. ये दोनों बहुत-कुछ एक से हैं.

These two are more or less alike.

83. दौड़ते-दौड़ते पाँव घिस गये.

She/He was tired of running about.

84. वह PUBG खेल रहा है।

He is playing pubg.

85. वह free fire खेल रहा है।

He is playing free fire.

86. मैं नाश्‍ता बना रहा हूॅंं।

i am making breakfast.

87. वह कपड़े धो रही है।

she is washing the clothes.

88. मुझे गुस्‍सा मत दिलाओ।

Don’t make me angry.

89. वह फोन पर बात कर रहा है।

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He is talking on the phone.

90. तो क्‍या हुआ?

So what?

91. डरो मत।

Don’t be afraid.

92. क्या बेहूदगी है !

What nonsense !

93. कितनी शर्म की बात है !

What a shame !

94. ज्यादा भाव मत खाओ ।

Don’t act so pricey.

95. ये मेरे लिए कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है ।

It’s not a big deal for me.

96. बात को ज्यादा बढाओ मत ।

Don’t stretch the matter further.

97. चिंता मत करो, ये कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है ।

Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal.

98. क्‍या आपको सुनाई दे रहा है?

Can you hear me?

99. हॉं, मैं आपको सुन सकता हूँ।

yes, i can hear you.

100. मेरा फोन बज रहा है।

My phone is ringing.

100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi की इस जानकर अपने दोस्तों के साथ और अन्य सोशल मीडिया में ज़रूर शेयर करें |100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi.

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  • 100 english sentences used in daily life with hindi
  • 10 sentences hindi to english
  • 20 sentences in hindi to english
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  • 50 daily use english sentences with hindi
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100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi


Through this post, we have shared the information of 100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi with you, we hope that the given information of 100 Trendy English Sentences in Hindi will prove useful for you.

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1. What are the sentences used in daily life?

Ans. Common Daily Sentences:

  • No worries.
  • Long time no see!
  • Drive safe.
  • Call me when you get home.
  • Don’t forget to buy milk.
  • Call me back when you get a chance.
  • That’s so annoying/frustrating/wonderful/exciting.
  • He’s forever complaining about this country.

2. How I can improve my English?

Ans. 7 ways to quickly improve your English language skills

  • Watch movies in English. …
  • Immerse yourself in English language news. …
  • Start a vocabulary book of useful words. …
  • Have conversations in English. …
  • Practice, practice, practice. …
  • Curiosity doesn’t always kill the cat. …
  • Don’t forget to have fun while you learn.

3. How can I learn English by myself?

Ans. Listening to podcasts and watching videos and television in English are all useful ways to improve your English by yourself. Virginia recommends extending your learning by either writing down or saying aloud summaries of what you have heard or watched. “Summarising what you’re learning is a great skill.

4. Why my English is not improving?

Ans. Top 7 reasons why your English is not improving

You are not reading enough English content or books. You are expecting results overnight. You are relying too much on your native language. You are not learning the same amount as when you were a beginner.

5. How can I be a smart girl?

Ans. Work hard to learn new things by persistently practicing your new skill. Learning something new can take some hard work, but if put in the hard work and learn it, you prove to yourself you can do it. Tackle new things to prove to yourself that you’re smart, brave, and persistent!

Also Read:-

http://Fill in the blanks with tense forms of the verbs given in brackets

http://Modal Verbs | Modal Verbs Rules and Examples [2023]

http://50+ Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Examples.

http://Future Indefinite Tense Exercises with Answers in Hindi-English (Translation) [2023]

http://Tense in English Grammar

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