English Grammar Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12

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English Grammar Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12
English Grammar Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12

English Grammar Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12

Do as Directed with example:-

1. Start to talk right now.(Add a question tag)

Ans: Start to talk right now, will you?

2. It is the consumer who pays for the advertising.(Rewrite removing ‘who’)

Ans: The consumer pays for the advertising.

3. The body can perform its functions only if it is abundantly supplied with all the essential nutritional factors.(Rewrite using ‘unless’)

Ans. Unless the body is abundantly supplied with all the essential nutritional factors, it cannot perform its functions.

4. It must be appropriately presented.(Rewrite using the noun form of the word underlined)

Ans: Its presentation must be appropriate.

5. If roads do not develop along highways, there will be traffic problems.(Rewrite the sentence using ‘unless’)

Ans: Unless roads develop along highways, there will be traffic problems.

6. It has been a very long journey.(Rewrite as an exclamatory sentence)

Ans: What a long journey it has been!

7. It will stand a lesson to all those who aspire to greatness.(Rewrite as a Simple sentence)

Ans: It will stand a lesson to all those aspiring to greatness.

8. Temperature is one of the most important physical factors.(Use the degree of comparison)

Ans: Temperature is more important than most other physical factors.

9. The producer can save a good deal of time and money.(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘A good deal of time….’)

Ans: A good deal of time and money can be saved by the producer.

10. Sea-water contains a lot of salt. Fresh water contains very little.(Combine using ‘whereas’)

Ans: Sea-water contains a lot of salt, whereas fresh water contains very little.

11. John’s greatness extends beyond football.(Rewrite as a negative sentence)

Ans: John’s greatness is not limited to football.

12. Tree-nesting birds can live only where there are trees.(Rewrite using a conditional clause)

Ans: Tree-nesting birds live in a place only if there are trees.

13. Man can express a very wide range of ideas and emotions through speech.(Rewrite using ‘be able to’)

Ans: Man is able to express a very wide range of ideas and emotions through speech.

14. Courage is sticking to your post in danger.(Rewrite by using infinitive form of gerund)

Ans: Courage is to stick to your post in danger.

15. One view is that women are weak; they need to be protected.(Rewrite using the noun form of the verb underlined)

Ans: One view is that women are weak and they need protection.

Do as Directed For Class 10 and 12 – English Grammar

16. Harry has always condemned these practices.(Rewrite as a negative sentence)

Ans: Harry has never supported these practices.

17. Not only was he funny-looking, but he had funny ways and notions.(Rewrite removing the negative)

Ans: He was funny-looking and had funny ways and notions as well.

18. I feel like a song-bird whose wings have been torn off.(Rewrite removing ‘which’)

Ans: I feel like a song-bird with torn-off wings.

19. George would go straight up and ask him if he really knew what he was talking about(Change it into direct speech)

Ans: George would go straight up and ask him, “Do you really know what you are talking   about?”

20. His brothers sold all the gold. (Make a question with ‘Wh-word’)

Ans: Who did sell all the gold?

21. My father was a medical professional. (Frame a Wh-question to get the underline part as    an answer)

Ans: What was my father?

22. My father was a medical professional. (Frame a Wh-question to get the underline part as    an answer)

Ans: Who was a medical professional?

23. They had all become a part and parcel of our existence. (Identify the tense)

Ans: Perfect Past Tense.

24. They had all become a part and parcel of our existence. (Rewrite using ‘Simple Past        Tense’)

Ans: They became a part and parcel of our existence.

25. Our house was in a corner of the campus. (Choose the correct question tag)

i. was it?

ii. wasn’t he?

iii. wasn’t it?

Ans:  iii. wasn’t it?

26. The officer’s club was adjacent to the boundary wall of our garden. (Frame a Wh- question to get the underline part as an answer)

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Ans. Where was the officer’s club?

27. The magnificent trees constantly attracted squirrels. (Begin the sentence with                 ‘Squirrels…….’/Change the voice)

Ans: Squirrels were constantly attracted by the magnificent trees.

28. The holidays provided an opportunity for me. (Rewrite using ‘Present Perfect Continuous    Tense’)

Ans: The holidays have been providing an opportunity for me.

29. The holidays provided an opportunity for me. (Frame a Wh-question to get the underline part as an answer)

Ans: What did the holidays provide for me?

30. Champions aren’t made in gyms. (Add a question tag)

Ans. Champions aren’t made in gyms, are they?

Compound and Complex Sentences

Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12

A compound sentence is a sentence that has more than one main clause. It should have at least two main clauses and they can be combined using a coordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb; whereas, a complex sentence should have a main clause and a subordinate clause. The two clauses can be combined using a subordinating conjunction or a correlative conjunction.

Combine the following sentences using a coordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb to form compound sentences.

1. My mother is sick. My mother is going to the doctor.

Ans: My mother is sick, so she is going to the doctor.

2. Jibin has gone to Hyderabad. Jibin has not found any jobs yet.

Ans: Jibin has gone to Hyderabad; but he has not found any jobs yet.

3. Nalini was not satisfied with her birthday dress. Nalini wore it anyway.

Ans: Nalini was not satisfied with her birthday dress; however, she wore it.

4. Jaffar called me yesterday. I was not able to attend his call.

Ans: Jaffar called me yesterday, but I was not able to attend his call.

5. Tina had to present the paper today. Nancy volunteered to do it.

Ans: Tina had to present the paper today; instead, Nancy volunteered to do it.

6. It was raining the whole day. We decided to go to the park.

Ans. It was raining the whole day; however, he decided to go to the park.

7. Firoz will pick you up. We will book a cab for you.

Ans. Firoz will pick you up, or we will book a cab for you.

8. Nobody knew where to go. We asked some random people for directions to the hills.

Ans: Nobody knew where to go, so we asked some random people for directions to the hills.

9. Let them know. You will have to suffer the consequences.

Ans: Let them know or you will have to suffer the consequences.

10. My mom was cleaning the house. I helped with the plates.

Ans: My mom was cleaning the house; meanwhile I helped with the plates.

Degrees of Comparison

Do as Directed

1. Indore is not as big as Mumbai . ( Rewrite using Comparative degree )

Ans: Mumbai is bigger than Indore .

2. The Himalaya is the highest mountain of the world . ( Change into Positive degree

Ans: No other mountain in the world is as high as the Himalaya .

3. Lead is heavier than any other metal . ( Change into Positive degree )

Ans: No other metal is as heavy as lead .

4. Ve ry few games are so popular as cricket . ( Superlative degree )

Ans: the most popular game .

5. The elder sister is not so clever as the younger one . ( Comparative degree )

Ans: The younger sister is cleverer than the.

6. Iron is more useful than any other metal . ( Superlative degree )

Ans: Iron is the most useful metal .

7. Greenland is the largest island in the world.

Ans: Greenland is larger than any other island in the world. / No other island in the world is as large as Greenland.

8. Air is lighter than water.

Ans: Water is not as light as air.

9. I am taller than my brother.

Ans: My brother is not as tall as I am.

10. Shyam is the strongest boy in the class.

Ans: Shyam is stronger than any other boy in the class. / No other boy in the class is as strong as Shyam.

Transformation Of Sentences 

Do as Directed

Transform the below-mentioned Simple Sentences into Complex Sentences

Examine the following simple statements and use appropriate subordinating conjunctions to convert them into complex sentences.

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1. Because of the storms, we chose to remain back at home.

Ans: heAs tre were storms, we chose to remain at home.

2. To complete your task in time, you must begin now.

Ans: If you want to complete your task in time, you must begin now.

3. Besides being a great surgeon, Christine is a brilliant musician.

Ans: Not only is Christine a great surgeon, but also a brilliant musician.

4. Despite the numerous challenges, Michael stayed strong.

Ans: Though there were numerous challenges, Michael stayed strong.

5. On seeing the wedding, all her companions were deeply touched.

Ans: As soon as all her companions saw the wedding, they were deeply touched.

6. Without embracing your, you will not be able to take the right steps.

Ans: You will be able to take the right steps only if you embrace your missteps.

7. It is too early to forecast the result.

Ans: It is too early that the result cannot be forecasted.

8. Twisting itself, the kitty crawled into a favorable spot in the room.

Ans: As the kitty twisted itself, it crawled into a favorable spot on the floor.

9. Due to limited economic resources, the renovation work will not be finished within the stipulated time.

Ans: Because there was limited economic resources, the renovation work will not be finished within the stipulated time.

10. Despite numerous attempts, she was unable to complete the sixty- th level.

Ans: Even though she made numerous attempts, she could not complete the sixty -th level.

Do as Directed For Class 10 and 12 – English Grammar


Through this post, we have shared the information of English Grammar Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12 with you, we hope that the given information on English Grammar Do as Directed for Class 10 and 12 will prove useful for you.

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Also Read:-

2. What are the 3 types of degrees of comparison?

There are three degrees of comparison:

  • Positive (big)
  • Comparative (bigger)
  • Superlative (biggest)

3. Do as direct examples?

Grammar: Do as directed

  • My father was a medical professional.
  • Champions aren’t made in gyms.
  • He used the small broom hurriedly and carelessly.
  • This perplexed him and he went to see his family doctor.
  • I would rather give a glance into the book without mentioning any events.

4. Do as direct in English grammar?

Do as direct in grammar means do as instructed. Explanation: In some questions, we are directed to solve a question as instructed, it means we have to follow the instruction.

5. Do as I say examples?

Obey my instructions, as in Never mind about the other mothers-you do as I say. This admonitory order is sometimes followed by a self-deprecating phrase, Do as I say, not as I do, meaning “don’t imitate my behavior but obey my instructions.” This order first appeared in John Selden’s Table-Talk


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